Ten Newly Translated Episodes! (RoTK 1994, Ep. 48-58)

Hello all! We are back at it with even more translated episodes for you all to watch and enjoy!

MKV (softsubs) (Best quality, recommended to watch with MPV, Kodi, VLC, or MPC-BE player)
Torrent: 1 , 2
Direct Download: 1 (Contains the most up-to-date files, as well as patches for torrent users)

MP4 (hardsubs)
Direct Download: 1 (Contains the most up-to-date files, can be streamed through the MEGA player)

(There is a Foreword for the sub, it is worth a read!)

We are so grateful that you have remained committed to this epic team despite the delay, we are always active and diligent! The delay was so that our good team members could carefully review the translations to ensure that they are easily readable and understandable! These episodes deal with the rise of Liu Bei’s empire and should be fun to watch! Thank you once again from all of us on the team!

Please join our Discord if you wish to help or hang out!

Side-Project: Legend of Eight Immortals 1985 (八仙的传说)

by CSarracenian

MKV (softsubs) (recommended to watch with VLC or MPC-BE player)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: 1


Greetings and Happy Lunar New Year!

One of our contributors, Sarracenian, has made another new English subtitles for the movie Legend of Eight Immortals, a Chinese fairytale movie. Like with the previously released Hua Tuo and Cao Cao and Romance of a Calligrapher, he asked us to help with the release of this project.

To keep ourselves active and to give you all something to watch, we gladly share this movie with all of you. Hope you enjoy!

A Word from Sarracenian:


Worked on this translation during a holiday in December. Unlike the prior two films, this is more of a jolly fantasy/fairytale movie than a period-drama, it has a lot of the same charm and style as those previous two films.
Legend of Eight Immortals 1985 is very similar in line with some of the public broadcast kids films from back in the day, like BBC or some of the Swedish Astrid Lindgren adaptations.

While in terms of Chinese gonzo fantasy films, it’s no Zu Warriors of the Magic Mountain or Encounters of the Spooky Kind, its still a cute and charming film I find, and shares some of the strengths as the prior two historical films I’ve subbed.

This RAW is probably as high quality as I can have, however it doesn’t seem to have gone through much restoration, so that green line is just stuck permanently there unfortunately.

This film features the Eight Immortals, popular folklore figures, a group of folk trickster gods in similar veins to Anansi or and Kokopelli, or the Seven Luck Gods, which are the Japanese equivalent. Tons of stories and idioms feature them, most prominently Eight Immortals Cross the Sea, The Flying Sword 飛劍記, and Journey to the East 东游记 as well as many modern things, such as apparently the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon.

Extremely ubiquitous in the East, esp. Taoist parlances, but probably not especially well-known in the west.

The Immortals, or xiān 仙 or alternatively translated as “celestial” or “fairy” (or “adepti” if you are a Genshin Impact fan lol) are basically a class of divinities in Chinese mythology; generally regular people who reached demigod-like status through self-mastery and spiritual cultivation and/or great acts worthy of worship, another extension of the very Chinese or general pan-East Asian ideals of meritocratic practice and self-mastery.

Thus they tend to be the more approachable and human kind of demigods. If you’ve seen any Chinese-language media featuring a heavy fantasy element, you’ve probably encountered the xiān. From Journey to the West adaptations to Sword and Fairy to Heaven’s Official Blessing, they all would feature the xiān in some manner.

Hope you enjoy the film!

Side-Project: Romance of a Calligrapher / 笔中情 (1982)

MKV (softsubs) (recommended to watch with VLC or MPC-BE player)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: 1 2


While we are working on the next batch of Three Kingdoms, one of our contributors, Sarracenian, has made English subtitles for the movie Romance of a Calligrapher, set in the Jin dynasty, after the events of the Three Kingdoms. Like with the previously released Hua Tuo and Cao Cao, he asked us to help with the release of this project.

To keep ourselves active and to give you all something to watch, we gladly share this movie with all of you. Hope you enjoy!

A Word from Sarracenian:

Hello, this the 2nd film I’ve subbed by myself now, on a film Nobody Else will ever pick up hahaha.

Romance of a Calligrapher is a very traditional kind of historical romance, a nice and pretty movie all about old-school Chinese literary culture, and unlike many of its peers this film also has a fairly strong sense of historical authenticity with its costuming and visual design. Not to mention a historically authentic film set in the Jìn dynasty too, which is even rarer.

Jìn Dynasty is quite appropriate, since it is also the period of the “魏晋风骨 / 魏晋风度(lit. Wei-Jin Style/Wei-Jin Elegance”); a cultural movement lifestyle that was all about freedom of self-expression and passion, subversion of traditions and overall high-minded and spiritual attitude towards life. Very bohemian times, roughly spanning the late 2nd century to the 6th century CE.

There are enough historical films about wars and politics ’till the cows come home, even within Chinese historical movie genre, so I wanted to share one that is all about the rather than the . A perfect holiday film, if I do say so myself.

Unfortunately, as with Hua Tuo and Cao Cao, the available RAWs are still not the best in terms of quality and colour-grading, though its by no means completely unwatchable.
And yes, unfortunately the best RAW file I can find does have that watermark stuck on there, because I guess the encoder has something to prove (then again so do I, so hey glass houses) Thankfully the imagery of the film does still come across really well.

I hope you enjoy the translation, and share this film forward!

Side-Project: Hats and Headwear in the Three Kingdoms 1994 and their history / “What is this Furniture in 1994 RoTK?”

One of our contributors Sarracenian has subbed two educational videos about by 是椰果啊 on bilibili and released with their permission.

The videos detail the history of various hats and headwear in the 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, many never before explained into English.

The second video explains the history of an furniture item called “píng jī” 凭几, a commonly seen but unnamed part of the 1994 series’ production design.

Both videos showcase the high research quality of the 1994 RoTK series, and we hope we can share some of this cultural knowledge and history to all of you.

RoTK 1994, Episodes 40-47 English subs release!


MKV (softsubs) (Best quality, recommended to watch with MPV, Kodi, VLC, or MPC-BE player)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: DDL (Contains the most up-to-date files, as well as patches for torrent users)

MP4 (hardsubs)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: COMING SOON (Contains the most up-to-date files, can be streamed through the MEGA player)

(Do read the Foreword text that comes with the subs!)

Thank you all for your patience. We apologize for taking longer than usual with this current batch, as people on our end are busy with real-life.

After months of careful editing and reviewing with our hard-working team, we are proud to present our newest batch. This is part 3 of the “Battle of Red Cliffs”-arc and the last segment of the arc, covering the schism between Liu Bei and Sun Quan.

Please join our Discord if you wish to help or hang out!

RoTK 1994, Episodes 32-39 English subs release! (AKA Part 2 of “The Battle of Red Cliffs” arc)


MKV (softsubs) (Best quality, recommended to watch with MPV, Kodi, VLC (not VLC for Android), or MPC-BE player)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: MEGA (Contains the most up-to-date files, as well as patches for torrent users)

MP4 (hardsubs)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: MEGA (Contains the most up-to-date files, can be streamed through the MEGA player)

(Do read the Foreword text that comes with the subs!)

Happy Lunar New Year everyone! Thank you all for your patience.
After months of careful editing and reviewing with our hard-working team, we are proud to present the remaining episodes in the “Battle of Chibi” arc! This arc showcases the historic battle between Cao Cao and the combined forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. This release uses a new and improved video source, and includes a new 5.1 audio track. All of us on the team hope you enjoy!

Please join our Discord if you wish to help or hang out!

An Arabic Translation is in the Works…

An Arabic Translation of Episode 1 has been released by one of our followers, DON AMIGO, and we would like to share it with you. Here is a foreword by him.

“بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كأحد المهتمين في تاريخ { الممالك الثلاث } في العالم العربي، والآخذ في النمو في الفترة الأخيرة، ولدي
إهتمام بالأعمال المقتبسة عن تلك الفترة. أحد تلك الأعمال مسلسل هو { رومانسية الممالك الثلاث } الذي
تم إنتاجه عام 1994 وحاز على ثناء كبير، لكن للأسف ليس هناك ترجمة للغة العربية لكي يتم متابعته
بشكل أفضل. لذا قررت ترجمته إلى العربية ، وقد انتهيت ولله الحمد من الحلقة الأولى وجار ترجمة الحلقة
الثانية { وصلت إلى الدقيقة 8 – وقت الكتابة حاليا }. هدفي هو ترجمة العمل بالكامل بمشيئة الله بمعدل
حلقة كل أسبوع. ستتفاجؤون بالشعبية للرواية في العالم العربي، وانا على يقين بأن الكثيرين يرغبون في
ترجمة العمل بالكامل، ولقد تلقيت تشجيعا كبيرا سواءا في تويتر أو في الديسكورد.
{ في النهاية } :
أود شكر gentlemenofthehan على إتاحة الفرصة لي ومساعدتي في ترجمة العمل إلى العربية


The link can be found here.


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