Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1994, Episodes 24-31 English subs release! (AKA Part 1 of “The Battle of Red Cliff”-arc)

MKV (softsubs) (highest quality, recommended to watch with mpv, VLC, or MPC-BE player)
Torrent: 1 2 3

MP4 (hardsubs)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: MEGA (can be watched directly)

(Do read the Foreword text that comes with the Subs!)

Subtitle Preview

Greetings from the Gentlemen of Hàn!

This is our second english fansub batch release of Episodes 24 to 31 of the 1994’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This is the part 1 of the 2nd arc of the series, titled “赤壁鏖战” or “Battle of Red Cliffs”.
To lighten our workload and getting more episodes available, we’ve cut the 2nd Arc of the series into parts.

In these episodes, we are finally introduced to Ya Boy Kongming Zhuge Liang, one of The Most Iconic Characters of not just Three Kingdoms, but of all Chinese history and culture in general. A representative of the very East-Asian character archetype of Strategist Genius, whom gave us many a works of tactical intrigue and mind-games, from literature to even anime and video games!

Just to name a few obvious examples; Works like Legend of Galactic Heroes, Heroic Legend of Arslan, the Suikoden series and Code Geass would not exist as they are without the many strategies of Zhuge Liang.

We hope you enjoy the translation. Please leave us a comment and support if you enjoy our efforts.

You can also find us on Discord if you wanna help out in our process in any way.

The 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a TV adaption of the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The 1994 version is to this day considered one of the best Chinese historical television shows, being much more authentic and poetic than most adaptions of the novel, and adapting both the historical text, the Records of the Three Kingdoms, and the novel in a way that flows naturally, yet faithfully.

To this day it still ranks as the definitive take on Three Kingdoms, bar none.
We hope with these subs we can deliver this finally to outside of eastern shores. Please enjoy our efforts in into delivering this piece of media history, one most people are likely less knowledgeable on overall.

Announcing…. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1994, Episodes 01-23 English Subtitles release!

MKV (softsubs) (highest quality, recommended to watch with mpv, VLC or Media Player Classic)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: MEGA

MP4 (hardsubs)
Torrent: 1 2
Direct Download: MEGA (can be watched directly)

(Do read the Foreword+Background Trivia text that comes with the Subs!)

Video Trailer of our subs

Greetings from the Gentlemen of Hàn!

This is our first english fansub release of the first 23 episodes (out of 84) of the 1994’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
It comprises of the first full arc of the series, titled “群雄逐鹿” or “Deer-Hunt of Lords”.

The 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a TV adaption of the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The 1994 version is to this day considered the best adaptation of the story of Three Kingdoms, and overall one of the best Chinese historical television shows, being much more authentic and poetic than most adaptions of the novel, and adapting both the historical text, the Records of the Three Kingdoms, and the novel in a way that flows naturally, yet faithfully.

To this day it still ranks as the definitive take on Three Kingdoms, bar none.
We hope with these subs we can deliver this finally to outside of eastern shores. Please enjoy our efforts in into delivering this piece of media history, one most people are likely less knowledgeable on overall.

Please leave us a comment and support if you enjoy our efforts.

You can also find us on Discord if you wanna hang out, or help out in our process in any way.

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